Rowley Properties Illuminates the Path to a Brighter Future with Solar Power Initiative

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Issaquah, WA, May 10, 2024 — In a big stride towards a more sustainable future, Rowley Properties has proudly unveiled a new solar panel array atop its Gilman office building at 1505 NW Gilman Boulevard. This cleaner-energy initiative was launched with a festive ribbon-cutting ceremony, by Issaquah’s Mayor Mary Lou Pauly.

Amidst community leaders, and solar panel vendor, Blossom Solar, Rowley Properties’ CEO, Kari Magill, highlighted Rowley’s connection to nature, deep-rooted commitment to the environment, and its forward-thinking approach to sustainable innovations. “This is a step our family business can take towards providing renewable energy and at the same time, working to lower energy costs for our tenants.”

Rowley’s solar panel installation is anticipated to have long-term financial and ecological benefits.  It does this by effectively “removing the building from the grid”, achieving a 110% energy offset and paving the way for possible future additions of EV charging stations. Rowley Properties is set to meticulously track the energy yield of the solar panels, which are projected to produce an impressive 117,440 kWh annually, thereby reducing operational costs for tenants as well as the company’s carbon footprint.